Join Us for Worship
Keystone gathers to worship every Sunday at 10:30am
1st and 3rd Sundays are Hybrid Worship
with an in-person gathering and online gathering
2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays are online worship
We all join from wherever we are through Zoom.
Contact for online access and questions!
All Are Welcome! come as you are!
Our worship lasts about an hour and follows a traditional but informal Christian order of service, including a call to worship, prayers of the people, and a sermon. We celebrate Communion every Sunday, and everybody is welcome to come to the table and share in the feast of bread and juice. While many of our hymns (and we sing a lot in worship) are traditional Christian hymns, we also include a variety of music including gospel, folk, and protest songs and anthems, all of which center God’s compassion and justice in our worship. After worship we hold some time for relaxed conversation and snacks.
What to wear to worship: Wear whatever makes you feel happy and comfortable!
Children can stay in worship with their adults, but for those who want to have playtime and arts and crafts opportunities, we also have Children’s Christian Education & Professional Childcare every Sunday 10 a.m.-noon. Children who choose to go to Christian Education stay in worship through the reading of the scripture, and then return for Communion. See Families page!
Meet our Music Team
Elliot Kraber
Elliot has been singing in front of the Keystone congregation since 2011 and serving as the Music Director since 2013. He sang for several years with The Esoterics, a local, contemporary, choral, a cappella ensemble dedicated to new music under Eric Banks. He has also assisted teaching in Viva Vocalists, an acting and singing class for pre-professionals lead by Shawna Avinger, which recently partnered with the Esoterics as their education program. In addition to Keystone, Elliot also works as a team lead at title company WFG and, in his free time, enjoys sci-fi and fantasy in any media.
Yiğit Kolat
Yiğit Kolat is a composer whose works have been recognized by a prestigious array of international organizations, including the Bogliasco Foundation (2016 Edward T. Cone Bogliasco Fellow in Music), the Toru Takemitsu Composition Award (1st Prize, 2015). The complicated political and social environment of his native Turkey is a recurring theme in his diverse output. Yiğit earned his DMA at the University of Washington, studying with Joël-François Durand.