Happy New Year, Keystone Community!
In this time of uncertainty and hope, I am grateful to be part of Keystone, now more than ever. The past six months has been full of joyous hard work. Here are just a few of the things I’ve enjoyed in 2024 since being called as your transitional pastor:
Playing bingo with Pat and Dick
Cleaning and organizing 25 years of collected treasures from the Rich Gamble era and creating an archives project
Replacing the Windows 7 office computer with a new laptop that can also be used for worship
Updating the wireless internet so that it is faster, more accessible for worship, and more secure
Learning about the unique relationship between churches and the local and national tax system
Developing my preaching style
Taking a class on the history and polity of the United Church of Christ (I got an A-)
Getting connected with the Pacific Northwest Conference
Asking two people (Steve Bauck and Meighan Pritchard) to mentor me as a Member in Discernment
Visiting Lynn at her lovely new retirement community
Attending the Faith Action Network dinner
Witnessing Keystone in action at the Festival of Hope
Singing a duet with Elliot on Christmas Eve
Receiving Lay Ministerial Standing with the United Church of Christ
Meeting with your leadership team and reporting to them on a weekly basis
Organizing the “Fifth Sunday” joint worship with Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community and the combined cantor choir
In 2025, I have a few intentions I would like to share with you:
Continue preaching with enthusiasm, articulating our theological and social positions of universal love and radical inclusivity, and specifically preaching against the sin of Christian Nationalism which props up the white supremacist, imperialist patriarchy that has engulfed our country
Deepen Keystone’s connections with organizations that support the most vulnerable populations in this country’s climate – LGBTQ (especially trans) people, immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, as well as people experiencing homelessness
Support the people of Palestine and speak out against the genocide that our government is funding
Let more people know about Keystone’s community through outreach – specifically updating the Keystone website
Organize some very important deferred maintenance on the building
Strengthen our “Tri-Church Initiative” with St. Paul’s and Prospect
Seek ordination in the United Church of Christ
Continue to get to know each and every one of you, individually and as a community, as we discern together about the past, present, and future of Keystone.
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this amazing community. I am truly blessed to be here.
With Much Love,
Pastor Adina
PS below are “10 intentions to enflesh in the new year”
by anna blaedel and m jade kaiser which I think speak for themselves, and for Keystone’s core values as well. I am setting them as my own intentions for 2025 and invite you to pick one or two that speak to you, and to focus on them:
I will disrupt the destructive stories and beliefs I have internalized, and cultivate habits of body, mind, and spirit I wish to grow in the world.
I will remember we are of the earth, and pay attention to how I/we can (re)align with the earth’s rhythms, seasons, and cycles.
I will seek out, savor, and share food that brings me pleasure, nourishment, and connection.
I will approach other human and non-human animals with curiosity and respect, honoring and learning from their unique embodied wisdom.
I will pay attention to habits of thought and action that are rooted in individualism and separation, and actively seek collaboration, cooperation, and solidarity.
I will shed aspects of religion and spirituality that diminish collective aliveness, and turn toward, reclaim, and open to practices and beliefs that enliven.
I will say yes to generative desires and ordinary pleasures, and no to pressures and prejudices that stifle.
I will prioritize care–collectively and intimately–in how I relate to every body’s unique vulnerabilities, limitations, and needs.
I will cherish and celebrate that which transphobia, racism, misogyny and other forces of oppression demonize.
I will resist exploitative expectations and invest in endeavors that serve the common good.