Our Festival of Hope team is working hard to organize this year’s Festival of Hope, and Eliza recently sent out the flyer that will be mailed to all our Festival of Hope supporters and friends. Even though we cannot have our usual gathering this year, we can still support the organizations that receive the funds raised by the Festival. Sadly, we won’t be able to have our usual after-church mailing party, but Eliza and Jo will be folding, taping, and stickering on our behalf, so send them your love and support. You can also help by downloading this flyer (click here to download), printing it, and sharing it within your (physically distanced) networks!
A Prayer for the Week Before Election Day
Holy God,
Guide us with your love as we cast our ballots in these uncertain times.
Lead us as we move forward on the path of justice, that everyone eligible to vote, will vote and have their ballot counted. We pray that our government will promote confidence in, and proof of, the security of our systems.
During these extremely divisive times, as people of faith, our moral responsibility is to speak and vote our values and truth, with God’s love as our guide. We seek systemic change from oppression and pray for equality for everyone.
We pray and vote for healthcare for all - to finding a cure for Covid-19 for everyone.
We pray and vote for the children in cages who have been separated from their families; that they may be reunited and safe from further harm.
We pray and vote for those who have been displaced by hurricanes, floods and fire due to the climate crisis; and to re-enact the laws that protect our environment.
We pray and vote for all generations and all families who have been affected by oppression and prejudice in all forms that they may find fairness in our justice system.
Let us vote with our hearts and minds dedicated to the truth and for those who will stand up and lead with courage and compassion for all.
God, with your love for absolutely everyone we pray there will be peace and justice here and in our world.
We place these and all things in Your loving hands.
(anonymously written and shared by Keystone members)
Meaningful Movies: True Justice and Parkland Rising
Release Year: 2019
Running Time: 56 minutes
Director: Peter Kunhardt, Teddy Kunhardt, George Kunhardt
Join Meaningful Movies and the Northwest African American Museum, Kunhardt Films, ACLU WA, and others for a screening and discussion of “True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality.” The film follows 30 years of Stevenson’s work on behalf of the poor, the incarcerated, and the condemned. Told primarily in his own words, “True Justice” shares Stevenson’s experience with a criminal justice system that “treats you better if you’re rich and guilty than if you’re poor and innocent.” The burden of facing this system is explored in candid interviews with associates at the Equal Justice Initiative, close family members, and clients.
This feature documentary focuses on Bryan Stevenson’s life and career—particularly his indictment of the U.S. criminal justice system for its role in codifying modern systemic racism—and tracks the intertwined histories of slavery, lynching, segregation and mass incarceration. The film also documents the monumental opening of EJI’s Legacy Museum and its National Memorial for Peace and Justice, which is dedicated to the more than 4,400 African American victims of lynching.
“True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality” reveals a history that can’t be forgotten in the pursuit of genuine justice.
We gratefully accept donations to help offset the costs of presenting the films we screen. After registering, you will receive a zoom link for the screening and panel discussion.
Special Guests: Northwest African American Museum, Kundhart Films, ACLU WA and others
MORE MEANINGFUL MOVIES: Parkland Rising, 6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 1. Directed by Emmy-winner Cheryl McDonough, “Parkland Rising” is an inspiring look at the students and parents who started an international movement to reduce gun violence. The film features David Hogg, Jaclyn Corin, Matt & Ryan Deitsch, Emma Gonzalez, Fred Guttenberg, Cameron Kasky, Patricia and Manuel Oliver. Register for this event HERE to receive a link to watch the film anytime on Sunday, November 1. Then join us for a discussion at 6:00 PM. Hosted by: Everett and Gig Harbor Meaningful Movies
Ballot Status and Democracy Training
Dear Keystone family,
By now I hope everyone has turned in their ballots. Once you’ve voted in Washington, how do you keep track of your ballot?
"If you live in Washington, there’s an easy way to tell if your ballot has been received and counted, if you have access to the internet!
Go to the state’s voting information site at votewa.gov.
Enter your name and birthdate.
On the left side, you should see an option to check “Ballot Status.” Click on that, and it should tell you where your ballot is.
Check the status of your Washington state ballot here.
And if you haven’t yet voted, Please do and become a part of this historic election!
If you have not voted yet, please check the Washington Housing Alliance endorsements here: check our endorsements!
Let our values unite us during these uncertain times with God’s love as our guide.
Meaningful Movies: Celebrate the 2020 Award Winners!
Release Year: 2020
Running Time: 1 hours
Director: Meaningful Movies Project
Our Annual Awards Celebration, 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 22, is our opportunity to say THANK YOU to all of the incredible people who make our work possible. We understand that our Meaningful Movies events could not happen without incredible filmmakers, films and partner organizations that work with us to support events! REGISTER HERE! Every person who tunes into the Awards Celebration will be entered to win a fabulous prize drawing the night of the event!
For those of you who are still learning about us – the Meaningful Movies Project is a network of volunteer-run neighborhood venues that are organizing, educating, and advocating for a more peaceful and just world by showing inspirational social justice documentaries followed by facilitated conversation and a call to action.
We understand that truth and community are fundamental building blocks of real democracy. By supporting independent media and fostering important conversations about social justice issues that are often ignored by mainstream media, we are helping to inspire families, friends, neighbors, and communities to work for the common good. By creating spaces – whether online or in person – where people can come to know each other, learn about pressing issues, and talk to one another about hard topics, we are helping to bridge divides, build community, build understanding, and find common cause.
This will be a fabulous evening of fun, entertainment and inspiration! Join us as we celebrate our 2020 award winners, watch film clips, and hear from awardees, venue leaders and our supporters! And… every person who tunes into the Awards Celebration will be entered to win a fabulous prize drawing the night of the event! Join us!!!
Please note that we are holding several online special events during October: this AWARDS CELEBRATION, an AUCTION and two FILM EVENTS: RESISTERHOOD and TRUE JUSTICE. We hope you can join us at one or all of these events, help financially support Meaningful Movies Project (MMP), and celebrate the great art of documentary filmmaking!
Special Guests: Filmmakers, venue leaders, partner organizations and YOU!
Also: Screening of UnRepresented, 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27. “UnRepresented“ investigates the mechanisms that give political insiders enormous, unchecked power. If you are tired of the status quo, then join us for a virtual screening of this important new film and take part in a panel discussion following the movie to hear about grassroots movements taking shape to break this cycle. We will also discuss legislative efforts happening in Washington State. Register here to be part of the screening.
And: Screening of Resisterhood, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27. This powerful documentary captures the stories of everyday Americans who became grassroots activists working tirelessly to defend our democracy and stop the erosion of our civil rights. “Resisterhood” showcases the wave that brought us the most ethnically, racially and gender diverse Congress in history. It shares stories of hope that will re-energize the movement and inspire even more people to join the fight to secure a bright future for our county. Register here to be part of the screening.