~ We Pray in Community ~
~Prayers listed here include, in general terms, some of what was lifted aloud online in worship Sundays June 27 and July 4~
~Please add your love, as you pray each name, concern, or joy- and reach out to one another!~
(Prayers are listed approx. two weeks, unless you prefer otherwise.)
Rita, letting in the love, amidst so many new challenges.
Our hearts to be moved as those with no home to escape the heat.
John, patience on this long road to diagnosis so treatment can begin. Barb, to let our hope continually buoy yours.
Sandie, broken shoulder and arm, from a fall, at new place. For swelling to go down, so treatment and rehab can begin.
Gus for the love of music to reach you amidst the heat.
For action on Climate change, may this heat dome, move us to deeply and faithfully engage the work.
For our friends at Northshore UCC, and Pastor Dave for restful break.
For the realm of God built on interdependence.
To dare to dream a better world, free of violence and injustice.
For safe travels for Margaret, for Connie & Rich V with Connie’s mother and siblings.
For a radically different way of organizing our lives and community.
For a world organized not on oppressive misguided purity lines but for benefit of ALL.
That ALL may know their sacred worth, God Loves us all.
That when we enter the struggle, we becomes part of God’s good news.
Holy God, in your mercy ... hear our prayers!
Continue to send your prayers to Lauren & Rich and as you wish, we can include them in Sunday worship online or Wednesday gatherings online or this weekly Newsletter.
Pastoral concerns: Pastor Rich (keystone5019@gmail.com), & Pastor Lauren: lauren.cannon@keystoneseattle.org, or text/ call Lauren: 773.501.7382.