Prayers of the People, week of July 4, week of June 27

~ We Pray in Community ~
~Prayers listed here include, in general terms, some of what was lifted aloud  online in worship Sundays June 27 and July 4~  
~Please add your love, as you pray each name, concern, or joy- and reach out to one another!~

(Prayers are listed approx. two weeks, unless you prefer otherwise.)

  • Rita, letting in the love, amidst so many new challenges.

  • Our hearts to be moved as those with no home to escape the heat.

  • John, patience on this long road to diagnosis so treatment can begin. Barb, to let our hope continually buoy yours.

  • Sandie, broken shoulder and arm, from a fall, at new place. For swelling to go down, so treatment and rehab can begin.

  • Gus for the love of music to reach you amidst the heat.

  • For action on Climate change, may this heat dome, move us to deeply and faithfully engage the work.

  • For our friends at Northshore UCC, and Pastor Dave for restful break.

  • For the realm of God built on interdependence.

  • To dare to dream a better world, free of violence and injustice.

  • For safe travels for Margaret, for Connie & Rich V with Connie’s mother and siblings.

  • For a radically different way of organizing our lives and community.

  • For a world organized not on oppressive misguided purity lines but for benefit of ALL.

  • That ALL may know their sacred worth, God Loves us all.

  • That when we enter the struggle, we becomes part of God’s good news.

Holy God, in your mercy ... hear our prayers!

Continue to send your prayers to Lauren & Rich and as you wish, we can include them in Sunday worship online or Wednesday gatherings online or this weekly Newsletter.

Pastoral concerns: Pastor Rich (, & Pastor Lauren:, or text/ call Lauren:  773.501.7382.

Wed. July 28: we get to Picnic in the Park again!

5-6:30 pm

Thanks to the lovely group who came out on June 30! Gather for our next bit of in-person catch up, new friends and old! Our spot is fully accessible by ramp: through the arch in the northwest corner of park. Street parking near there (along with the Farmers Market crowd.)

Picnic in the Park: 5-6:30 pm. Informal social time in Wallingford’s Meridian Park, across 50th from Keystone Church. Same spot near playground, but a bit to the north west corner, up from the stone arch at 50th & Meridian, there are some trees off the circle mound near arch. BYO picnic snack, blanket or folding chair! The Wallingford Farmers Market is each Wednesday afternoon/eve, incase you want to grab your dinner, produce or treats there! Text/call/email Lauren for directions, questions: 773-501-7382.

Washington adopted Centers for Disease Control and Prevention masking guideline.

(For people who are not vaccinated (like our children), bring your mask if you need it even outdoors, and we appreciate and respect everyone’s choices, and come with extra loving spirits!)

Sun. July 11 Congregational Meeting in zoom

Thank you for planning to stay after zoom worship (at approx. 11:20 AM) we will do our annual business, budgeting, and electing of new officers. It will be our zoom Congregational Meeting, and will be fairly short, and everyone is welcome. We will be counting every vote in our gallery, whether on screen or phone, and all who are present will be free to exercise voice and vote!

Prayers of the People, from Sunday June 13


~ We Pray in Community ~
~Prayers listed here include, in general terms, some of what was lifted aloud  online in worship Sunday June 13~  
~Please add your love, as you pray each name, concern, or joy- and reach out to one another!~

(Prayers are listed approx. two weeks, unless you prefer otherwise.)

  • Rejoicing with our graduating seniors celebrating the culmination of their public school careers, Quinn, Vic, and Trinaty!!! And to our extended family (Dick and Pat’s granddaughter and Keith’s daughter Fiona and for Griff - at UW!

  • Prayers with John, as a different diagnosis is sorted out, with horizon of hope for a positive outcome. To be buoyed in all this by the love of his community here, and strengthened by God.

  • For faithfulness to God;s justice.

  • To be called to bigger faith, to the power of self-giving love.

  • For Pride month!

  • For all our AAPI siblings in the fight for justice, in media, and every realm of life, for power for us all to keep pushing back the endless bias.

  • To Carly and Betty and all the teachers and parents helping scholars finish strong, and get set up for summer.

  • For baseball buddies, and fort building in the woods.

  • For Jo’s youngest brother coming through surgery, and all the family.

  • For our leaders, for continued insight, generously shared Sheri.

  • For Sandie’s good spirit and care to continue through this Rehab.

  • To continually show up, stand on the side of the marginalized.

Holy God, in your mercy ... hear our prayers!

Continue to send your prayers to Lauren & Rich and as you wish, we can include them in Sunday worship online or Wednesday gatherings online or this weekly Newsletter.

Pastoral concerns: Pastor Rich (, & Pastor Lauren:, or text/ call Lauren:  773.501.7382.

Wed. July 7th assignment: next study circle: Uprooting Racism

This month our focus is on two sets of “Questions and Actions.” All are welcome to join. We create safe space for deep dialogue, in this Uprooting Racism study. We learn to more readily tell our own stories and take up courageous engagement with this book, do our research, and be supportive with each other.

Assignment for July 7:

4.1 Questions and Actions: Native Americans: p. 187-188.

4.2 Questions and Actions: African Americans: p. 199-200.

You may want to dedicate a notebook. We are really digging in. As you do your research, feel free to reach out to one another and me, and do chunks in dyads or triads if you like.

And we will see each other Monday 6/28 on Admiral UCC zoom with the other church/ justice groups in the meantime as well!

Questions/ to join: contact Pastor Lauren