Keystone UCC grieves the loss of John Preston
Keystone UCC is grieving our loss of John Preston, January 28
Keystone, we had to let our beloved John go. He was surrounded by love, and all your prayers. He died among family, peacefully on Jan. 28, 2022.
Please share support at this Caring Bridge site that Barb and Grace and Pastor Rich invite you to visit. As we reach out to one another.
In the coming weeks, we will celebrate John. We will share more details as they become clear.
John | CaringBridge
readings for book study
Discussion study circle chapter reading schedule: winter 2022
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies. Resmaa Menakem
All Wednesday eves 6:30-7:30 pm in zoom
Part I: Unarmed & Dismembered:
Wed. Jan. 26: Intros, Ch. 1 & 2 (up thru pg. 36.)
Wed. Feb. 9: Ch. 3, 4 & 5 (pg. 37- 86.)
Wed. Feb. 23: Ch. 6, 7, 8 & 9 (pg. 87-133.)
Part II: Remembering Ourselves:
Wed. Mar. 9: Ch. 10, 11, & 12 (pg. 137- 175.)
Wed. Mar. 23: Ch. 13, 14, 15, & 16 (pg. 177- 213.)
Wed. Apr. 13: Ch. 17 +
Part III: Mending Our Collective Body:
18, 19, & 20 (pg. 215-259.)
Wed. Apr. 27: Ch. 21, 22, 23, 24 & Closings (pg. 261-310.)
Lauren: 773-501-7382
For the zoom link, contact us here!
See other past studies here: faith formation. adult-study.
My Grandmother's Hands- winter book study circle- 2nd & 4th Wednesday eves- starts Jan. 26
Grab yourself a book, your tea, and come online for a small group conversation this winter! My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem
Our study mission is always in service of fortification of our faith, to embolden our work and witness in the world, & to build and deepen community.
Winter - Early Spring 2022:
7 Wednesday evenings
(You are WELCOME to come each time you are able, and all graces if you need to miss one.)
6:30 - 7:30 pm - in Keystone zoom space - get in touch for the link here
Wed. Jan. 26
Wed. Feb. 9
Wed. Feb. 23
Wed. Mar. 9
Wed. Mar. 23
Wed. Apr. 13
Wed. Apr. 27
Contact Pastor Lauren with questions!
Wed. Jan. 12: 6:30 pm: come shape our Winter Book Study
Wed. January 12
6:00-6:25pm: Lectio Divina practice with Rev. Lauren
6:30-7:30pm: Book Study (2nd & 4th Weds.) with Rev. Lauren
Friends, come help shape our winter book study. We have been hacking down our sizable stack of desired books. Tonight we will revisit our mission & order our books. We will then begin formal discussion on Wed. Jan. 26 @ 6:30 pm.
It is possible that our reading The Story Luke Tells: Luke’s Unique Witness to the Gospel by Justo L. Gonzalez. will be a day-time additional study.
We look forward to doubling our pace through our materials this winter, as we shift up to now holding our book studies on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. See the light brown box below for more details.