Image description: A logo that reads “Take 5 for Advocacy, “ featuring the words “Take 5” in red, with the 5 in a circle of lines that indicate a watch face, and the words “For Advocacy” in green. The words sit in front of a pattern that looks like a mosaic of stones, with a green cross surrounded by multicolored blocks.
A message from Keystone Advocacy leader Barbara Anderson:
Dear Keystone,
This past Thursday I attended the general meeting of the Coalition on Homelessness where Dow Constantine thanked everyone who helped pass the Health Through Housing Initiative. Thank you, Keystone, for sending a note to the KC Council. Please send an email here send an email to your King County Councilmember to thank them for passing a regional response to homelessness!
As I mentioned on Sunday, people of faith can extend their opinions on Referendums, Propositions and Charter Amendments. The Coalition had speakers come and talk about the following November ballot highlights: I encourage all of us to look at these. Our unhoused deserve clean sanitation, clean water, shelter and food!
We were joined by representatives from Yes on Seattle Proposition 1, Yes on King County Proposition 1, Yes on King County Charter Amendment 2 and Yes on Referendum 90campaigns. We have posted information and social media resources for all these important November ballot items on our website, click here to learn more.
One other piece of information from the meeting that I thought was important is that many King County residents with very low or no income will soon have access to free annual transit passes under a new program being piloted by the county and Sound Transit. The subsidized annual passes — which can be used on several different transit services, including King County Metro's buses and Sounds Transit's Link light rail — will be available to King, Pierce and Snohomish county residents who can't afford the cost of public transportation and are enrolled in other state benefit programs. DSHS, Catholic Community Services, and the Public Health Dept. will be administering these passes. If you know of anyone who could benefit from this, please let them know to call one of these agencies. I do know that those on TANF, ABD, and SSI are eligible.
We pray that everyone has a home here and in our world. Amen.