Image description: A logo that reads “Take 5 for Advocacy, “ featuring the words “Take 5” in red, with the 5 in a circle of lines that indicate a watch face, and the words “For Advocacy” in green. The words sit in front of a pattern that looks like a mosaic of stones, with a green cross surrounded by multicolored blocks.
Actions You Can Take This Week
STOP KALAMA METHANOL REFINERY: The Washington State Department of Ecology was expected to announce on Sept. 2 when the online hearing to accept or deny the permit for the world’s largest methanol refinery in Kalama will be scheduled. The announcement of the hearing will then trigger a 30 day comment period. The Sierra Club is training people twho are opposed to this issue to virtually "show up" by writing comments. You can learn more about how to write effective comments and letter to the editor at, or how to use social media to effectively spread your message at Talk to Rich Voget, who also shared this flier (download here) on the Kalama Refinery and why Sierra Club opposes it, to find out more about the training workshops.
PROTECT TRANS PEOPLE'S ACCESS TO SHELTER: The Washington Low Income Housing Alliance is asking people to comment on the US Department of Housing and Urban Development's attempt to remove safety protections for trans people in need of HUD assistance and at homeless shelters. A proposed rule by HUD Secretary Ben Carson would allow shelter providers to refuse services to trans people based solely on their gender identity.That means the proposed rule would remove the anti-discrimination protections for transgender people seeking shelter. Our current administration and HUD justifies this proposal by citing “religious freedom” and supposed privacy and safety concerns rooted in negative stereotypes rather than on evidence. The ability of trans people to be able to access safe housing without being discriminated against can mean the difference between life and death. Please submit your comment now and tell them #HousingSavesLives at today.
SUPPORT A FEDERAL CLIMATE RESILIENCE AGENCY: The United Church of Christ's Creation Justice Ministries invites people to add their support for the establishment of a national climate adaptation program, which would be responsible for implementing common-sense climate resilience efforts across federal agencies. You can support this effort by adding your name and comments here.