A rectangle featuring two boxes showing two images. In the left box, which has a white background, are two speech bubbles stylized to look like film strips, one in red and one in blue, with the words “Meaningful Movies Project” beside them. Beneath these words is the website address: www.meaningfulmovies.org. and “Social Documentary Film and Community Discussion. The right box is a mosaic of images showing people’s faces.
October 11-20, learn more at https://www.socialjusticefilmfestival.org.
Release Year: 2020
Running Time: 24 hours
Director: Many talented people!
Join filmmakers, film lovers, and activists around the world to celebrate the mission of social justice in film for the 9th Social Justice Film Festival, screening virtually from October 1-11, 2020. Featuring an exciting lineup of short and feature-length films to explore at your own pace, as well as filmmaker panels and discussions, tickets to the Social Justice Film Festival are available from Northwest Film Forum. For more information about the Social Festival Film Festival and Institute, and to buy tickets to this year’s event, visit www.socialjusticefilmfestival.org. If you need a free scholarship ticket, please contact alanna@socialjusticefilmfestival.org
This year, due to COVID-19, The Social Justice Film Festival is partnering with Meaningful Movies and Northwest Film Forum to present this year’s festival entirely online. Together, we will raise awareness, build community, and support the art of storytelling through films. The SJFFI also aims to support underrepresented filmmakers and provide a platform for unacknowledged stories.
Learn more at https://www.socialjusticefilmfestival.org