A line drawing in gray of two hands holding a heart, behind words in red that read “Prayers of the People”
In worship on Sept. 27, we joined together in holding up these prayers:
For the family of Susan Kelly, whose were members of Keystone, who grieve for her loss.
For caregivers who support us in our daily lives, and who work hard to keep us safe during these times.
For the blessings that God gives us, through our homes and children and the care they give us. Give family who take care of us the strength and endurance to keep caring for us and one another, and for other blessings of good health, strength in our bodies.
For those who are sick that God may bless them and help them find wellness.
Holy God ... hear our prayers!
These prayers are crafted to carry those shared in worship to our whole community, in the general spirit in which they were given (one pastor or leader makes note as one prays), while guarding their privacy as this newsletter is carried into the digital world. We also especially welcome you to send Rev. Lauren your note during the week with any prayer request, we are so happy to incorporate it into our online worship (if you may not be up for voicing it). We are also always glad for you to add your prayers to the Zoom chat box during live worship, and we can fold them in to the spoken prayers. Contact Keystone's pastors for any pastoral concerns (contact info is below and at the bottom of this newsletter)
Prayers to include in the newsletter? Email them to Pastor Yuki (yuki.schwartz@keystoneseattle.org), Pastor Rich (keystone5019@gmail.com), &/or Pastor Lauren: lauren.cannon@keystoneseattle.org, or text/ call Lauren cell: 773.501.7382