Hi, my name is Adina Meyer and I’m Keystone’s ministerial apprentice, or intern, for the spring of 2024.
Adina completes hospital chaplaincy
Looks forward to Spring with Keystone, ongoing leadership of Living Water and ordination as Roman Catholic Womanpriest in May!
I am in my last semester at Portland Seminary and will graduate with my Masters of Divinity in May. Helping out at Keystone is part of my M.Div. journey, and I’m very excited to be a part of this community.
As you may know, Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community, which I co-founded in 2022, meets two Sundays a month downstairs in Keystone and we are proud to be one of Keystone’s ministry partners. I and several of our community members also attend Keystone in person on the first and third Sundays of the month. During my apprenticeship time, I will be preaching a couple of times, working with Rich and Rachel to learn the ins and outs of pastoring a church, and supporting the “Kleanoinia” kitchen project.
Kleanoinia: The name of my project comes from the Greek word koinonia, which means fellowship, partnership, or unity. The first time we see the word in Scripture is in Acts 2:42 – “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship [koinonia], in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Early Christian fellowship meant close, loving relationships that broke down all kinds of social barriers. I am hoping that bringing the three congregations that use Keystone together to revitalize the downstairs kitchen space will lead to both a spiffier kitchen and a closer relationship between Living Water, Keystone UCC, and the Taiwanese Christian Community. “Clean” plus “koinonia” = Kleanoinia! After representatives from our three communities meet to examine the kitchen space and discern what needs to happen, we will invite members to participate in sprucing things up, and hopefully celebrate our work together with a potluck that everyone can attend. Please keep an eye out for more announcements!
Please keep me in your prayers as I facilitate this project, finish my schoolwork, and prepare for ordination as a Roman Catholic Womanpriest on May 25th at Keystone!