Prayers of the People - lifted October 11

Please continue to add your prayers for these lifted during online worship together:

  • As people on a journey, may we follow You O God, to do things right, to love neighbor, earth, and self. 

  • Give all those fighting voter suppression, great strength and all cleverness, as we help all votes count.

  • For new caregivers, we give thanks, for those wanting to serve, with hearts open, who work with a presence of love.

  • For all bravely facing mental illness or depression, to discern away from posting fear and conspiracy, and toward a knowing that distancing need not be isolation, that we can help promote health.

  • Our loved ones in procedures & treatments, for healing breakthroughs, for strength, for doctors. 

  • For us to bring loving care to those  sick; for us all to engage in action to change our systems. 

Holy God, in your mercy ... hear our prayers!

These prayers are crafted to carry a sense of the ones shared in worship to our whole community, in the spirit in which they were given, but not in specifics, as we guard our community's privacy.  Also welcome: send Rev. Lauren a note during the week with any prayer request.  We are happy to incorporate it into our online worship (if you may not be up for voicing it).  

Contact Keystone's pastors for any pastoral concerns (contact info is below and at the bottom of this newsletter)

Prayers/ celebrations to include in the newsletter?  Pastor Rich (, & Pastor Lauren:, or text/ call:  773.501.7382  & Pastor Yuki: (