Prayers of the People (from Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020)

Pastor Lauren shares here some of what we carried on our hearts October 25 in worship:

Holy God we seek a way through polarities and limitations of binary options. Make us seekers of the unwavering justice of God, our God who is always on the side of the vulnerable.

We are praying a swift recovery for those who are ill or injured, and we give thanks that those who have had medical procedures are back at home with family.

We are with every 581 + now orphaned child of God, forcibly separated from their families. We are with 81 thousand corona virus grief struck families who have lost loved ones.

We continue to be with between 220, 000- 300, 000 families who have lost their loved ones, and with so many more that are moving through positive virus diagnoses fall out & varying continual implications.

God give us strength for a long road ahead. God make us carriers of Your love through a long hard struggle ahead. Turn us out in creative new ways, make us your builders of better ways and better days. God we pray not to return to ‘normal’, but to live for a better normal.

We are with every person offering service to our country, in the spirit of creating peace, but suffering separation and loss.

God we pray You ease us to be tender with our broken hearts. Remind all that you are there. So that You might extend Your reach- through us. Bring us to be with separated families, in every way, and every circumstance. Embolden us to look at structures we did not mean to be part of creating, but now are responsible to dismantle.

Our holy God, we call upon your in-breaking reign to make us a force of your justice. To give Your support to others. Through our very own hands and feet.

God in your mercy, hear our prayers.