Pastor Lauren writes to pass along a great resource: Each week at Keystone worship, we steep in the amazing words that form a charge for our lives from Rep. John Lewis, as Pastor Yuki weaves them in to the benediction at the end of our service. On Sunday July 19, our worship held a couple kinds of tribute, as the stories to celebrate his life, became part of our prayers (Lauren) and sermon (Rich), and benediction (Yuki). On Monday July 20, a neat interview with John Lewis was shared on Democracy Now, along with clips of some of his pivotal speeches as he worked with MLK Jr. There are stories here about his mighty and faithful nonviolence (and surviving his near-death, at a nightstick beating, in a march in Selma). We also learn how he became called to be a legislator, and carry on the work, after the assassinations of MLK, both Kennedy’s, and Malcolm X.
So we share this incase it may fuel your self-guided ongoing study of nonviolence, here are video and audio options: from July 20, 2020. 1 hour show, but you can use any part. Happy listening! You can also find the clips from the show below.