Coming Up: gatherings: Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Oct. 27

Join Keystone online

Upcoming Keystone Events:
Mark these Dates!

Evenings at Keystone

Pray, tell stories, study, change the world 

Join us online in Keystone's Zoom space for midweek fellowship

Wed. October 6
6:00pm: Lectio Divina practice with Rev. Lauren (1st and 2nd Wed)

6:30pm: Green Team with Rich V.

Wed. October 13
6:00pm: Lectio Divina practice with Rita
6:30pm: Uprooting Racism with Rev. Lauren (2nd Wed)

Wed. October 20
6:30-7:15pm: Concerns of the World gathering to pray with Rev. Lauren (3rd Wed) (NO Lectio Divina prayer practice these nights.)

Wed. October 27

5 pm outdoor coffee meet-up Greenlake Zoka with Charles and Lauren (PAUSE on Picnins in the Park for this season.)

6 pm Lectio Divina practice zoom with Lauren
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To help provide simple access, on the day of each event Keystone will send out a "Cheat Sheet" email, which provides instructions and links to enter Keystone's Zoom space. All gatherings occur in the same Zoom room (except where noted), so you can also use any previous link or email. Let us know if you have any questions!