Wed. Dec. 1 @ 6 pm: Bible meditation group: zoom Lectio Divina Practice

December holds some special services @ Keystone on zoom. So this is our one Lectio Divina practice for the month- mark your calendars! Open small group- newcomers always feel free to drop in and check this out! Mid week centering time. Small gathering- prayer break via zoom with Pastor Lauren. Come for a deep breath and perhaps a little encouragement for your spirit, with fellow travelers. We crack open the scripture for the upcoming Sunday (Dec. 5.) Meditative, spacious, sparse discussion. No prep or experience necessary. Come anytime you can use a boost. The practice trusts that a community of listeners can illuminate the text in fresh ways, amidst the concerns on our hearts. Zoom cheat sheet comes by email each week.

*We practice most Wednesdays of the month at 6 pm on zoom (except when noted for Concerns of the World or other.) This month: Dec. 8 & 15 = Holden Prayer. So Lectio Divina is just December 1.