~ We Pray in Community ~
~Prayers listed here include, in general terms, some of what was lifted aloud in online worship Sunday April 11 & through this week~
~Please add your love, as you pray each name, concern, or joy- and reach out to one another!~
(Prayers are listed approx. two weeks, unless you prefer otherwise.)
Yigit, Sarah, & Anouk, as baby sister Alizée Maya arrived Easter morning!
Julia B.
Nathan, Ruth, Teresa
Educators, students, families, for health, safety, & thriving in remote or partial-in-school-building leaning.
Our seniors approaching graduation: Quinn & Vic!
Lucas Wilson Sabo, born March 18 to James Sabo (Betty's son)!
To embody God's love to one another
To live as resurrection people!
Holy God, in your mercy ... hear our prayers!
Continue to send your prayers to Lauren & Rich and as you wish, we can include them in Sunday worship online or Wednesday gatherings online or this weekly Newsletter.