Meaningful Movies has purchased the screening rights to the film "2040" and makes it available to all to view for free beginning this next week (16April to 23April).
The film "2040" takes a solutions-based approach to how we can mitigate, using the technology we already have, the enormous global issues we currently face. The main themes/solutions looked at in the film are around: empowerment of women and girls; marine regeneration; regenerative agriculture; renewable energy; and circular economy. It’s a story of hope, and a powerful tool to encourage people to take action.
For those of you who missed this movie on April 16th, please see the schedule below. It is a must see movie!
Community discussions and the movie are scheduled for:
April 21, 7PM – Meaningful Movies Spokane – Join local activists and experts to learn what you can do to combat climate change in Eastern Washington and the Spokane area. Register here.
April 22, 6PM – Mt Baker Meaningful Movies – Join Neal Anderson and friends to learn more about the “New Rules For Fossil Fuels Campaign.” Register here.
April 23, 6:30PM – Tacoma Meaningful Movies and Kristin Ang, Port Commissioner, Ryan Mello, Pierce Cty Councilman and Pierce Cty Conservation District, and John Doherty, Citizen Climate Lobby. Register here.
Another Climate Conversation this week from Jim:
Consider registering on Meetup for our next Climate Solutions Conversation. John Stafford is our featured speaker for our 25 April Conversation from 3P to 4:30P. John will speak about legislation requiring the teaching of climate change in grades K-12, a topic he is passionate about. When you RSVP on the Meetup website, then you will have access to a Zoom link for the Conversation. John is a long-standing climate activist; he's on the Steering Committee of the South Seattle Climate Action Network (SSCAN), he's a member of the 37th District Democrats Environment and Climate Caucus, and he's a Board Member of the Environment and Climate Caucus of the Washington State Democrats. Come join in the conversation.