Note: why work party is postponed this eve:
Worship and Covid Update
Covid Zoom Conversation Wednesday May 25th at 6:30
On May 24th, the King County Covid Dashboard ( ) said that cases of Covid were up 7%, hospitalizations up 48%, and Deaths down by 33%. Though we can celebrate the decline in deaths, the nearly 50% increase in hospitalizations is the surest sign that Covid is on the rise in King County.
I know that we are all weary of the precautions required for Covid, and that we would like to go back to some of the joys of worshipping together in the sanctuary; but we were one of the first churches in the nation to stop in-person worship for a reason. We can be proud of the fact that we have not been a source of virus transmission. Though we are weary, the mission to protect the most vulnerable in our congregation and the rest of the community remains.
It is unlikely that we will worship in the sanctuary on June 5th. So rather than a work party to prepare for in-person worship on Wednesday, let’s have a Zoom discussion about Keystone and Covid. If you have questions or suggestions about Keystone’s Covid actions join the conversation. Let’s meet at 6:30 pm, in our usual zoom space.
Rich & Lauren