Contemplative prayer

June 10: Histories of Racism, and models for speaking out

Evenings at Keystone UCC

Pray, tell stories, study, change the world

Break up the week with some fellowship!

Thursday, June 10


Lectio Divina

Twenty-five (25) minute reflective scripture reading practice with Rita and Pastor Lauren, reading our scripture for this upcoming Sunday, June 13: 1 Samuel 8:4-20. No prep necessary.


Uprooting Racism study circle

with Rev. Lauren. Part IV of Book: The Effects of History, through page 242. Come for conversation to really dig in, as we are learning to be Christians who acknowledge our role in history; Kivel opens this part of the book “most of us (white folks) are woefully misinformed about the actual history of interracial relationships, particularly their more devastating aspects. We have been taught lies beginning with the benign story of Columbus’ “discovery” of America…(p. 179.) …

…Our history effects our current situation.. including the effects of slavery, the genocide of Native Americans, the conquest of Mexico, and the banning of Chinese and later all Asian immigration continue to influence our lives and the lives of people of color.”

Yet “we have a long history of white people speaking out for economic and political justice, and we need to reclaim and learn from those role models.”

All are welcome, thank you for making time, to learn in community.

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Both meetings will be in our usual Zoom space.
Watch for the Cheat Sheet in your email with the ways to join. Or if you have not subscribed yet: here is the form

Wednesday eve May 19: 6-6:30 pm Lectio Divina practice; 6:30- 7 pm: Concerns of the World; THURSDAY eve May 27: Listening Session: planning Re-Opening

Wednesday Night at Keystone

Pray, tell stories, study, change the world

Join us for mid-week fellowship. Meet up--at Keystone! All meetings are online.

Wednesday, May 19
6:00pm: Lectio Divina
with Pastor Rich. 25 minute reflective scripture reading practice: Acts 2: 1-4.
6:30pm: Concerns of the World with Pastor Rich. Come let your laments rip, and come build hope as we share moments of prayers for our work and world.

Thursday, May 27

6:30pm: Listening Session Come for this hour to share your hopes as we build our vision and plan re-opening with Pastor Rich and Pastor Lauren. Same zoom link as Wednesdays and Sundays!
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You can use the “About Us” and “Contact Us” page of this website, to sign up for zoom link, or newsletters, and each Wednesday you will then receive the 'Cheat Sheet' in your email. It gives the zoom link for clicking in to that evening's events. Most gatherings occur in the same Zoom space, so you can use a previous link. Let us know if you have any questions!

Uprooting Racism
Next discussion: Thursday, June 10, 6:30 pm

Curious what Keystone members studied in January and then for the Lenten Study in February & March? Didn't get to join either of those series?  (No worries, now is a stellar time to tap in. The discussions paused in April after Easter, but has resumed.) Grab a book; read through Part IV History. 

There is also a way to join our ongoing year-long course: Uprooting Racism:  
3 more Monday nights: Quarterly: with Keystone folks @ Zoom with Pastor Lauren & other UCC churches, including Admiral UCC & West Seattle Unitarian Universalist. Next meeting: Monday June 28 @ 7:00-8:30pm. Email Lauren for more info (Mondays are a different zoom link than our Keystone zoom gatherings link.)

Wednesday eve May 5: Green Team; Wednesday eve May 12: Uprooting Racism.

Wednesday Nights at Keystone

Pray, tell stories, study, change the world

Join us for mid-week fellowship. Meet up--at Keystone! All meetings are online.

Wednesday, May 5
6:00pm: Lectio Divina
with Pastor Lauren. 25 minute reflective scripture reading practice.
6:30pm: Green Team with Rich V. Come try a meeting with Keystone’s think tank and action team. Uplifting resource sharing & strategizing to amplify Keystone’s impact!

Wednesday, May 12
6:00pm: Lectio Divina
with Rita & Pastor Lauren. 25 minute reflective scripture reading practice.

6:30pm: Uprooting Racism study discussion with Pastor Lauren. Come try this thoughtful accountability group that is doing faithful searching deep work, largely grappling with whiteness, in a compassionate discussion, that is covering ground, toward practical ends.
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You can use the “About Us” and “Contact Us” page of this website, to sign up for zoom link, or newsletters, and each Wednesday you will then receive the 'Cheat Sheet' in your email. It gives the zoom link for clicking in to that evening's events. Most gatherings occur in the same Zoom space, so you can use a previous link. Let us know if you have any questions!

Uprooting Racism
Next discussion: Wednesday, May 12, 6:30 pm

Curious what Keystone members studied in January and then for the Lenten Study in February & March? Didn't get to join either of those series?  (No worries, now is a stellar time to tap in. The discussions paused in April after Easter, but are about to resume.) We are always welcoming new folks, so plan to check out May 12. Grab a book or ask Lauren for a PDF to get started.  And mark the June class: Wednesday June 9, 6:30 pm.

There is also a way to join our ongoing year-long course: Uprooting Racism:  
3 more Monday nights: Quarterly: with Keystone folks @ Zoom with Pastor Lauren & other UCC churches, including Admiral UCC & West Seattle Unitarian Universalist. Next meeting: Monday June 28 @ 7:00-8:30pm. Email Lauren for more info (Mondays are a different zoom link than our Keystone zoom gatherings link.)