Look what we helped do April 30- May 2- thank you Keystone!

Keystone delegate, Pat Becker reports back:

Wow - what a weekend! Our PNCUCC Annual meeting was a virtual event attended by over 255 members from across the Conference! (Thank you Keystone member and PNC staff Arlene for all you did and do to keep PNC on track!) Our moderator, Hillary Coleman , did a fantastic job all weekend. Dick and I were not at Keystone when Hillary was a Justice Leadership Program intern - Rich and Lauren and others here at Keystone - ya did good! She sure held everything together and there were some tough discussions and decisions!

We opened Friday morning with presentations of PNC and camp budgets - in spite of pandemic and new ways of doing so much (all were building the plane as it was flying), our UCC folk and churches stepped up to the plate and we did pretty well with finances. This was info and discussion only- before we voted on Saturday, $50,000 was added to operating budget - this will be taken from Conference reserves unless our members and Churches step up.

Friday afternoon we closed with a wonderful worship service from FCC in WallaWalla -HEALNG WATERS - message and graphics sent us off challenged and ready for Saturday.

Votes on weekend were to approve a group of associate conference ministers from across the country ( this will also be on Synod agenda in July I think.) And we voted with our area partners in Disciples of Christ for a partnership with JUSTAPAZ and another group in Columbia - PNC had planned to have a group visit Columbia in 2020 - virtual pilgrimage was held instead in September 2020. Throughout the weekend we all had many discussions re “how are you doing Church during pandemic - and where are you going next?” Like Keystone, most haven’t drawn the map yet but everyone seemed to be looking at some kind of hybrid / new normal will not be return to same old, same old. A change in Conference by laws to include anti- racism statement (and commitment and work by all) was on agenda and passed.

On Saturday when budget was presented, one well spoken person lashed out re “how only $2000 in budget for anti-racism, diversity and what did that mean?” This opened up discussion for hours - over half the folk there spent the 2 hour lunch break Saturday in discussion - result was motion and then commitment to add $50,000 to operating budget for anti-racism efforts. This will be taken from reserves UNLESS Churches and members make direct donations to this long overdue effort.

Our Saturday had opened with acknowledging the Native American lands we all live and worship on - and a good morning opening worship by a Samoan congregation. The business of meeting ended almost on time Saturday afternoon.

Sunday worship was hosted by our Normandy Park Church - Mike Denton preached a great ROOTED IN LOVE sermon - thank you, Mike, for your assuring and hopeful words! Link to it here: Psalm 1 reading and sermon start about Minute 23:

Sunday worship hosted by Normandy Park UCCand Bulletinand Mike Denton’s Sermon (text)

Rev Amy Hitchins, Pastor; Rev Courtney Stange-Tregear, PNC Minister for Church Vitality; Rev. Mike Denton, PNC Conference Minister and Preacher; Kevin Peterson, Musician.

Pat concludes:

The theme of weekend, ROOTED IN LOVE, is theme for General Synod this summer, July 11-18 - all virtual . We urge anyone who can to sign up and get a look at what we UCC folk are doing across the nation.

Thank you, Keystone- it was a privilege to be at annual meeting - we felt you there with us!

Dick and Pat Becker

Wednesday eve May 5: Green Team; Wednesday eve May 12: Uprooting Racism.

Wednesday Nights at Keystone

Pray, tell stories, study, change the world

Join us for mid-week fellowship. Meet up--at Keystone! All meetings are online.

Wednesday, May 5
6:00pm: Lectio Divina
with Pastor Lauren. 25 minute reflective scripture reading practice.
6:30pm: Green Team with Rich V. Come try a meeting with Keystone’s think tank and action team. Uplifting resource sharing & strategizing to amplify Keystone’s impact!

Wednesday, May 12
6:00pm: Lectio Divina
with Rita & Pastor Lauren. 25 minute reflective scripture reading practice.

6:30pm: Uprooting Racism study discussion with Pastor Lauren. Come try this thoughtful accountability group that is doing faithful searching deep work, largely grappling with whiteness, in a compassionate discussion, that is covering ground, toward practical ends.
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You can use the “About Us” and “Contact Us” page of this website, to sign up for zoom link, or newsletters, and each Wednesday you will then receive the 'Cheat Sheet' in your email. It gives the zoom link for clicking in to that evening's events. Most gatherings occur in the same Zoom space, so you can use a previous link. Let us know if you have any questions!

Uprooting Racism
Next discussion: Wednesday, May 12, 6:30 pm

Curious what Keystone members studied in January and then for the Lenten Study in February & March? Didn't get to join either of those series?  (No worries, now is a stellar time to tap in. The discussions paused in April after Easter, but are about to resume.) We are always welcoming new folks, so plan to check out May 12. Grab a book or ask Lauren for a PDF to get started.  And mark the June class: Wednesday June 9, 6:30 pm.

There is also a way to join our ongoing year-long course: Uprooting Racism:  
3 more Monday nights: Quarterly: with Keystone folks @ Zoom with Pastor Lauren & other UCC churches, including Admiral UCC & West Seattle Unitarian Universalist. Next meeting: Monday June 28 @ 7:00-8:30pm. Email Lauren for more info (Mondays are a different zoom link than our Keystone zoom gatherings link.)