Wed. July 28: we get to Picnic in the Park again! 5-6:30 pm

Thanks to the lovely group who came out on June 30! Gather for our next bit of in-person catch up, new friends and old! Our spot is fully accessible by ramp: through the arch in the northwest corner of park. Street parking near there (along with the Farmers Market crowd.)

Picnic in the Park: 5-6:30 pm. Informal social time in Wallingford’s Meridian Park, across 50th from Keystone Church. Same spot near playground, but a bit to the north west corner, up from the stone arch at 50th & Meridian, there are some trees off the circle mound near arch. BYO picnic snack, blanket or folding chair! The Wallingford Farmers Market is each Wednesday afternoon/eve, incase you want to grab your dinner, produce or treats there! Text/call/email Lauren for directions, questions: 773-501-7382.

Washington adopted Centers for Disease Control and Prevention masking guideline.

(For people who are not vaccinated (like our children), bring your mask if you need it even outdoors, and we appreciate and respect everyone’s choices, and come with extra loving spirits!)

Sun. Aug. 8 Congregational Meeting (in zoom) come and vote! How to worship

Keystone, you have stamina and agility, as we continue navigating amidst the delta variant of covid in King County. Come lend your voice: Sun. Aug. 8 at a Congregational Meeting (in zoom) to vote about how we would like to worship, for the next while.

On Sunday July 25, we announced two weeks notice to hold a vote on Sun. Aug. 8, that comes out of our many months of good study & discussion.

The group that attended our July 21 Listening session worked up these 4 multiple choice options, for a vote after worship Aug. 8 (approx. 11:20 AM.) Please plan to attend, or send in your thoughts (if unable to be on zoom)!

How you wish to Worship (sermon avail @ website EVERY option)

a. Worship in Sanctuary every Sunday.

b. Worship on Zoom every Sunday.

c. Worship in Sanctuary some Sundays and Zoom on others.

d. Worship in Sanctuary in person every Sunday with live video (hybrid).

Over several months of Listening Sessions we have heard each other on pros and cons with any of the four options. We have heard the thoughtfulness in this community, toward the inclusion and safety for all. We look forward to taking a vote as everyone present (by video or phone) can cast three votes (yes, choose your three! The poll will show this same question as 1, 2, and 3.)

‘See’ you in zoom after church Sunday August 8!

Thurs. July 15 @ 6 pm: Lectio Divina Practice

Mid week centering time. All welcome- small gathering- prayerful practice in zoom. Come for a deep breath and perhaps a help for your spirit. This gathering is a chance to crack open the scripture for the Sunday coming up; it is a meditative, spacious practice. No prep or experience necessary. Come anytime you can use a boost. This practice trusts that a community of listeners can illuminate the text in fresh ways amidst the concerns on our hearts. Zoom cheat sheet comes by email each week.

*After July 15, this practice moves back to Wednesday eves at 6 pm.

Sun. July 18 children & families 10 AM in person at church playground

  • Sunday, July 18, 2021

  • 10:00 AM 11:30 AM

  • with Teacher Anita & Pastor Lauren

Families come play from 10 AM on! Casual in person Children’s church time outside with Anita. Story & art under the canopy, back playground, and back bathroom open. Starting at 10 AM, and for the duration of the usual zoom church time (10:30-11:30 AM online) come relax and let the kids catch up! (Parents/caregivers coffee caucus with Lauren, and/or zoom into sermon from the outside front bench or the church grounds, or drop off.) Help test run our summery outside church school mode!