Third Sunday of Advent -Worship Dec. 12

Sun. Dec. 12 Worship online 10:30 AM (zoom coffee @ 10 AM!)

Worship', Spiritual Practice, Fellowship, Community

Advent 3:

Come online as we light the Advent Candles and explore Luke 3: 7-18.

Worship this and every Sunday.

Invite a friend to come join Keystone’s Rev. Rich, Rev. Lauren, Elliot, Yigit & the gathered community, for live interactive worship. We hold time to pray, connect and discuss! Music created each week by Yigit & Elliot!

(Video of Scripture Reading and Sermon can be found on sermons page of this website. Click the upper right hand corner, three lines stacked that look like a ‘hamburger’.)

Zoom link comes out Sunday mornings in email

Email here to receive a link.

Come with your coffee to visit: beforehand (starting at 10 AM, as hosts Dave P., Charles, & Jess greets us) or afterwards (come on in about 11:20 AM, at Announcements, as Elliot /Yigit set up our 8 minute Break Out Rooms. We see how people are doing, approx. 5 people per group.)

Wed. Dec. 8: Holden Evening Prayer online: 6:30-7 pm

Come sing & pray tonight: short zoom vesper service: Advent Holden Prayer:

Holden Prayer is a 20-minute candlelit reflective service we will sing together in a small community; with brief prayers and scripture.  

To receive the link click here:  Every year we love when new or occasional folks pop in for this vesper offering.

6:30 pm Wed. Dec. 8
6:30 pm Wed. Dec. 15

Holden Village is a Lutheran retreat center in the North Cascades. Many of the hymns we sing in Sunday worship at Keystone were written by Marty Haugen who wrote it for the Holden winter community when there on sabbatical in 1986. A while back, two Keystone year-long volunteers, brought Holden Prayer to Keystone.  We will not be in the sanctuary this Advent, but we will be singing our hearts out online.  All welcome!

One of the texts for the first evening is Isaiah 12: 2-6 

You are welcome to tap in with or without video, and receive this musical offering in your background.  (We are all muted as we sing out from home.)

Second Sunday of Advent -Worship Dec. 5

Sun. Dec. 5 Worship online 10:30 AM (zoom coffee @ 10 AM!)

Worship', Spiritual Practice, Fellowship, Community

Advent 2: Prepare the way.

Come online as we light the Advent Candles and explore Luke 3: 1-6.

Worship this and every Sunday.

Invite a friend to come join the Keystone community & Rev. Rich, Rev. Lauren, Elliot, Yigit & the gathered community, for live interactive worship. We hold time to pray, connect and discuss! Music created each week by Yigit & Elliot!

(Video of Scripture Reading and Sermon can be found on sermons page of this website. Click the upper right hand corner, three lines stacked that look like a ‘hamburger’.)

Zoom link comes out Sunday mornings in email

Email here to receive the link

Come with your coffee to visit: beforehand (starting at 10 AM, as hosts Dave P., Charles, & Jess greets us) or afterwards (come on in about 11:20 AM, at Announcements, as Elliot /Yigit set up our 8 minute Break Out Rooms. We see how people are doing, approx. 5 people per group.)

Wed. Dec. 1 @ 6 pm: Bible meditation group: zoom Lectio Divina Practice

December holds some special services @ Keystone on zoom. So this is our one Lectio Divina practice for the month- mark your calendars! Open small group- newcomers always feel free to drop in and check this out! Mid week centering time. Small gathering- prayer break via zoom with Pastor Lauren. Come for a deep breath and perhaps a little encouragement for your spirit, with fellow travelers. We crack open the scripture for the upcoming Sunday (Dec. 5.) Meditative, spacious, sparse discussion. No prep or experience necessary. Come anytime you can use a boost. The practice trusts that a community of listeners can illuminate the text in fresh ways, amidst the concerns on our hearts. Zoom cheat sheet comes by email each week.

*We practice most Wednesdays of the month at 6 pm on zoom (except when noted for Concerns of the World or other.) This month: Dec. 8 & 15 = Holden Prayer. So Lectio Divina is just December 1.