May 25
Plan your retreat to Oregon coast, November 4-6, with UCC women of northwest region (and all who can make it)
All invited to plan to enjoy the next UCC regional women’s retreat this fall. The event has a beautiful location and several great workshops for people to attend. Now we are asking for help from you, our churches, to get the word out! We hope you can bring the event to the forefront for our women by including information, such as this note, on your website, in your newsletters, and in your Sunday bulletins. The dates are November 4,5,6 2022, and the website is
To the women of the NW region of the UCC: Registration is underway for our next retreat, this November 4-6 at Salishan Coastal Resort in Oregon. The setting is inspiring, in the woods and by the sea, and the presenters of several workshops are preparing to share their expertise. Enjoy a sound bath, explore mindfulness, your spirituality journey, or interplay as our theme of “Waves of Peace” surrounds you. Please visit for information, registration, and a link to lodging. The discount rate for registration ends July 31st, with final registration due before October 1st. Take your steps now toward “Waves of Peace.”
Sincerely, Carol Kiriluk - Retreat Committee
King's Philosophy of Nonviolence: virtual talk with Dr Cornel West
Keystone UCC and the Justice Leadership Program and JLP Jubilee have the ongoing study of nonviolence in our core practices. Here is a stellar opportunity coming up June 13, in connection with the PPC WA, with whom Keystone has been active:
June 13, 6:00-7:30pm, online. The Seattle Regional Poor Peoples’ Campaign (PPC) in partnership with The Well and the WA PPC is honored to host Dr. Cornel West for a virtual talk on King's Philosophy of Nonviolence. Dr. West will ground us and prepare us for the Mass Assembly and March on Washington DC June 18th!
Admission info via The Well coming soon here!
From outrage and grief to action: Thursday June 2 against Violence (talk to Barb)
Interfaith Vigil and March Against Violence
On Sunday zoom worship, Barb shared she will lead us to action this week:
On Thursday, June 2, all people of faith are invited to come together in a prayer vigil for the victims of the massacre in Uvalde. We will gather at 6:30 pm at Temple De Hirsch Sinai (1511 East Pike Street), and then march to St. James Cathedral (804 9th Ave) where we will continue to pray, remember the victims, and strengthen our resolve to end the scourge of gun violence in our nation. This is a time to put faith in action.
Parking at Temple de Hirsch Sinai is limited. Please consider taking public transportation to the Temple. Free parking is available at St. James Cathedral.
If you plan to attend, please email Barb Anderson:
Stay up to date on final details with Faith Action Network
6:30 pm Zoom conversation on covid and worship this eve (note: work party suspended) but 4:30 picnic - see you there!
Note: why work party is postponed this eve:
Worship and Covid Update
Covid Zoom Conversation Wednesday May 25th at 6:30
On May 24th, the King County Covid Dashboard ( ) said that cases of Covid were up 7%, hospitalizations up 48%, and Deaths down by 33%. Though we can celebrate the decline in deaths, the nearly 50% increase in hospitalizations is the surest sign that Covid is on the rise in King County.
I know that we are all weary of the precautions required for Covid, and that we would like to go back to some of the joys of worshipping together in the sanctuary; but we were one of the first churches in the nation to stop in-person worship for a reason. We can be proud of the fact that we have not been a source of virus transmission. Though we are weary, the mission to protect the most vulnerable in our congregation and the rest of the community remains.
It is unlikely that we will worship in the sanctuary on June 5th. So rather than a work party to prepare for in-person worship on Wednesday, let’s have a Zoom discussion about Keystone and Covid. If you have questions or suggestions about Keystone’s Covid actions join the conversation. Let’s meet at 6:30 pm, in our usual zoom space.
Rich & Lauren