Pentecost Sunday June 5: zoom worship

We use the Community dashborad data to determine if we can be at the sanctuary for Festival worship, first Sunday of the month. June 5 we will be on zoom. Looking to July for in person.

Sunday Worship June 5

online 10:30 AM (zoom coffee @ 10 AM!)

Worship', Spiritual Practice, Fellowship, Community

Gather to enjoy one another in this interactive worship with singing, praying, a sermon, and communion from home. This is not a webinar, nor a large pre-recorded video, but it is all live and participatory, as you like.

Worship three Sundays of the month on zoom

Invite a friend to come join Keystone, alongside Rev. Rich, Rev. Lauren, Elliot, Yigit & the gathered community, for live interactive worship. We hold time to pray, connect and discuss! Music created each week by Yigit & Elliot!

(Video of Scripture Reading and Sermon can be found on sermons page of this website. Click the upper right hand corner, three lines stacked that look like a ‘hamburger’.)

Zoom link comes out Sunday mornings in email

Email here to receive a link.

Come with your coffee to visit: beforehand (starting at 10 AM, as hosts Dave P., Charles, & Jess greets us) or afterwards (come on in about 11:20 AM, at Announcements, as Elliot /Yigit set up our 8 minute Break Out Rooms. We get to really hear how people are doing, approx. 5 people per group.). Welcome!

Wed. June 1 contemplative reflection for this coming Sunday's scripture

Lectio Divina Practice

We ready for Pentecost Sunday June 5: Genesis 11: 1-9

What is Lectio Divina Practice at Keystone?

Come spend a couple minutes in centering time, as we reflect on the lectionary scripture for the upcoming Sunday.

3 of 4 Wednesdays Keystone offers a mid-week pause: a contemplative, prayerful practice at 6 pm on zoom.

Below is what the flow is like at Lectio Divina practice when we are together, or try on your own (Let Rita and Lauren know any questions!)

2 times listening to scripture Reading and close at 6:20 pm.

Simply bring yourself and any bible! (The scripture reading will also be posted in the zoom chat.)

6pm- Welcome

Silence x 3 mins with a bell to bring us back.

Make yourself comfortable as you settle in for a time of quiet prayer. Breathe deeply to settle your body and your mind, becoming aware that you are in God's presence.

Listen to the first person read Scripture (feel free to volunteer at the start.) What word or phrase speaks to your heart? When the group is invited to share, speak that work or phrase aloud.

Listen to the second person read the Scripture passage aloud, spend a few moments in quiet reflection on what God may be saying to you through this word or phrase. When the group is invited to speak, share what this word or phrase means to you. A question, or a reflection? How you feel God may be calling you to respond.

We end with a prayer of thanksgiving for our encounter with God's word.

6:20 pm- Peace, Close.

(At 6:25 pm- Those who wish can greet and visit with folks, coming in to zoom, starting the next program, 6:30-7:30 pm.)

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come join our marching @ PRIDE

PRIDE is back in person!
We parade on Sunday June 26th

Here is a picture glimpse from the before-times!
Keystone joins a great cast of our UCC brethren starting around 11 am, and all manner of the faithful, stepping out. As part of updated Covid requirements from the Pride Planners, all marchers must provide proof of vaccination, wear masks. If you are curious about walking this year in the Pride Parade, please email Lauren- It is a great and family friendly 2-3 hour hang out; or you can join for any part of the parade route!

Calendar glance ahead: June & July!

Evenings at Keystone

Pray, tell stories, study, change the world 

Join us online for midweek fellowship

Wed. May 27
No Lectio Divina practice
4:30-5:30pm: In-Person Meet up with Rev. Lauren
Visit opening night of Wallingford Farmers Market.
5:30-6:30pm: Work Party
At church. Finish prep tasks for June 5th sanctuary worship.

1st Wednesdays= Lectio +/or Green Team
Wed. June 1
6:00-6:25pm: Lectio Divina practice with Rev. Lauren

6:30-7:45pm: Green Team with Rich V.

2nd Wednesdays= Lectio +/or book circle
Wed. June 8
6:00-6:25pm: Lectio Divina practice with Rev. Lauren
6:30-7:30pm: Book Study with Rev. Lauren (2nd Weds.)
New session of an all-welcome study circle starts tonight! (Grab yourself a copy off “The Sum of Us” buy Heather McGhee- and contact Lauren!)

3rd Wednesdays= Pause for Prayer
Wed. June 15
6:00-6:45pm: Concerns of the World--Prayers with Rev. Rich

4th Wednesdays= market night
Wed. June 22
5:30-6:30pm: In Person Market Picnic Meet up contact: Rev. Lauren
At Wallingford farmers market, by the stone arch entrance at Meridian (grassy access to playground and bathrooms). BYO snack & blanket.

5th Wednesdays= hands on outreach project
Wed. June 29
5:30-6:30pm: In-Person: Outreach project: meet @ church playground + Families-friendly dinner picnic (bring something over from Farmers Market, if you wish!) Wash Cloth Drive for Urban Rest Stop & hear Rita’s update on new homeless outreach plans in progress!

Sun. July 3 in person + on zoom:
10:30am: Festival Sunday, first of the month: in person hybrid worship in sanctuary (or on zoom, as you like)with Rev. Rich, Rev. Lauren, Elliot, Yigit.

Sun. July 10
11:30am: Congregational Meeting for business- after worship on zoom!

1st Wednesdays= Lectio +/or Green Team:

Wed. July 6
6:00-6:25pm: Lectio Divina practice with Rev. Lauren

6:30-7:45pm: Green Team with Rich V.

2nd Wednesdays= Lectio +/or book circle:
Wed. July 13
6:00-6:25pm: Lectio Divina practice with Rev. Lauren
6:30-7:30pm: Book Study “The Sum of Us” with Rev. Lauren (each 2nd Weds. of month.)

3rd Wednesdays= Pause for Prayer:
Wed. July 20
6:00-6:45pm: Concerns of the World--Prayers with Rev. Rich

4th Wednesdays= market night
Wed. July 27
(No Lectio Divina practice in zoom, because….
5:30-6:30pm: Market Picnic Meet up in person, if local! contact: Rev. Lauren
At Wallingford Farmers Market, by the stone arch entrance at Meridian (grassy access to playground and bathrooms.). BYO snack & blanket.