May 10 Online Worship. Sermon: Don't Worry, Take Action

There's a lot to be worried about, and a lot of reasons to be afraid, especially right now. Fear can keep us safe, but sometimes that safety can make us close ourselves away from the world, and keep us from connecting. When Jesus tells his disciples to be like the birds of the air and stop worrying, it sounds so appealing! It would be nice to turn a switch in our heads and turn off the fear and the worry. But Jesus's words are a call to action. He reminds his followers that a God of love asks us to build love with the world. By focusing on building love, and by focusing on serving others, we often find that our fear and our worry get replaced by care, courage, and hope.

Music inspires our preachers and worship leaders in the creation of their messages and worship time. Check out some of these songs that helped give shape to our time together!

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“Be Not Afraid,” Text: Isaiah 43:2-3, Like 6:20ff, adapted by Bob Dufford. Tune: Bob Dufford, SJ; acc. By Sr. Theophane Hytrek, OSF © 1975, Robert J. Dufford, SJ, and OCP. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-730247. All Rights Reserved.

“Matthew 6:24-34” are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All Rights Reserved.